When is the last time you dreamed? I mean *truly* dreamed?

We encourage kids to do this all the time, and tell them anything is possible, but somewhere along the way we forget how to dream as adults.

I recently returned home from a magical trip to Guatemala with my husband and 28 other women at Threads Worldwide. I’m still in awe of that life-changing experience. One of the most impactful moments was participating in a dream circle with our artisan partners.

We began by walking barefoot in the woods to connect with nature. Next, we were lead through a powerful mediation to become fully present, taking in everything from the sounds of the birds to the feel of the breeze. Finally, we were invited to envision our future lives and bring those dreams into reality through illustration.

We shared our personal stories and dreams for the future. There were tears, deep connections, and the realization that COLLECTIVE DREAMS ARE UNSTOPPABLE!
I learned that we share many aspirations for the future, regardless of where we live. Women hope for better lives for their children, homes, safe communities, education, and to start their own businesses.

I invite YOU to take time today, even if it’s just 10 minutes, to dream. What would YOU create in your life if anything were possible?

– Erin Attere // Threads Socialpreneur, Illinois