by Tashelle Gordon

Fair Trade Partner in Wisconsin

When I was asked to write something about how the Threads Family Value “Right Now” resonates with me, my first thought was, ok done! Then I chuckled, because I didn’t hesitate to say yes.  I started thinking back to seven years ago when “Right Now” wasn’t a value I treasured. Right now was scary and I wanted to make sure I was ready and prepared before I jumped into anything.

Back then fear held me back from doing a lot of amazing things.  I was in a constant state of distress and my mind wouldn’t stop churning with “what if’s.”  It was so bad, I only slept 4 hours each night because I couldn’t quiet my mind enough to sleep.  During my waking hours, I was constantly on edge and thinking of every scenario under the sun of what could happen if I did this or that.

Thankfully, a good friend and meditation teacher convinced me to come to a meditation class with her.  During that class we worked on opening ourselves up and not being so closed off to the world and people around you.  As you can imagine, I was a little freaked out. On the outside, I seemed like a well-adjusted social butterfly, but inside I was terrified of everything. Now I was in a meditation class participating in a practice that would be opening me up.  I think that was probably my first Right Now moment.

After that, my entire perspective on life changed dramatically.  I wasn’t a full believer in meditation until that moment. The things that happened in my life after taking this step were so profound, I didn’t participate in a group meditation practice for 2 years.  1: I was a little busy getting my life together with my newly found openness and changed perspective. 2: I was a little terrified of what could happen next if I went to another group practice. Instead I took what I learned and meditated on my own for those 2 years.

Fast forward to Right Now and life is good.  My friend Erin who is an absolute inspiration reached out to me about hosting a Threads Showcase.  She talked about Threads’ mission and how they are making an impact and supporting women around the world.  I obviously said YES! What an amazing company and WOW, how come I’ve never heard of them?! After our initial conversation, I did some research on Threads and was blown away.

On our next call she asked if I would be interested in being a Fair Trade Partner.  I said yes, but had a lot of excuses why I couldn’t do it until the new year. The quote “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear” popped in my head.  That quote reminded me to not live in fear, but to move forward and see where this adventure will lead me.

That decision 4 months ago led me to be inspired and motivated to make an impact in the world.  Before joining Threads, I could count on one hand the amount of times I wore jewelry in a year. Now I wear Threads jewelry because it is beautiful and each piece has a story.  Each piece of jewelry was made with love and each piece of jewelry is making an impact in supporting women. This is my Right Now and this is my future. Ten years from now, I will continue to make an impact and support women around the world to help them support their families and communities. 

I’ll leave you with 2 additional quotes that remind me to quiet my mind and to not let fear stop me from taking a leap.

“The mind is an instrument, don’t let it play you” and “Quiet the mind and the soul will speak”

Is Right Now your time to take the leap?

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