Threads Worldwide Mission:

We create life-changing work and connection with women around the world through the fair trade of artisan jewelry.

Why Fair Trade?

At Threads Worldwide, we believe fair trade is a verb. Fair trade is how we do business. Fair trade is also a movement changing lives around the world!

In a world where over one billion people — that’s 1 in 7 people! — live on less than $1 each day, it becomes clear what a difference fair wages can make for people, families and communities. Fair trade promotes fair wages, healthy working conditions, and a sustainable environment for both workers and the planet. A fair wage is a livable income in the local context that does not skew the local economy, but accounts for time, skills, cost of living, and purchasing power.

Our partners set their prices taking into account the true cost of living for their family including food, medical needs, transportation, education, etc.

Fair Trade Principles

We follow the Fair Trade Federation’s Fair Trade Principles and became part of the Fair Trade Federation in 2019!

The Fair Trade Principles:

  1. Create opportunities for marginalized producers
  2. Be transparent and accountable
  3. Build capacity and independence for partners
  4. Promote fair-trade and the benefits on the global economy
  5. Pay partners promptly and fairly
  6. Support safe and empowering working conditions
  7. Ensure that children are protected and have the right to security, education and play
  8. Encourage environmentally sustainable practices
  9. Respect cultural identity by balancing market needs with cultural heritage

At Threads Worldwide, we are working to make fair trade so common that it is no longer what is labeled. What if the products that are not made with fair trade principles are labeled? We’ll leave you with this:

How would you shop if you saw the words ‘made with slave labor’ on your clothing or fruit?